Mac 10.12 Sierra How-to QuickStart with Console/Terminal Shell/Command-Line

Getting-Started with Terminal Commands on Mac 10.12

Hello Mac User! This is Tutorial Shows You in Easy Steps How-to Quick-Start with the Console/Terminal Command-Line/Shell emulator Commands on Mac 10.12 Sierra BSD/Unix.

This is Just a ‘Quick and Dirty’ Introduction to the Command Line Basic Instructions on Mac Command Line Console Terminal.

The Tutorial is Step-by-Step and You Can Just Getting-Started Following and Executing each Command without any Harm for Your System 🙂

After all only ‘Practice Makes the Master‘; so Do Not try to Getting-Started too Hard but Just ‘Take it Easy!‘ 😉

The Commands are Intended for Execution on the Bash Shell but Most should Works also for the Bourne, C, TC and Korn Shells…

Mac 10.12 Sierra Command Line Console Terminal Quick-Start - Featured
  1. To

    Open a Terminal Shell emulator window
    Launch Finder:

    Getting-Started Command Line Terminal for Mac 10.12 Sierra - Launch Finder

    Select Applications:

    Getting-Started Command Line Terminal for Mac 10.12 Sierra - Open Applications

    Double-Click on Utilities:

    Getting-Started Command Line Terminal for Mac 10.12 Sierra - Open Utilities

    Double-Click over Terminal:

    Getting-Started Command Line Terminal for Mac 10.12 Sierra - Launch Terminal
  2. Switch to the Bash Shell
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

  3. To List a Directory Content (Directories and Files included)

    ls [/path]

    For Example to List the Content of the Root Directory:

    ls /

    Or to List the Content of the Home Directory:

    ls $HOME
  4. To Change Directory

    cd [/path]

    For Example to Go into the Home Directory:

    cd $HOME
  5. To Create Directories and Files

    To Create a Directory do:

    mkdir [/path]/myDirectory

    For Instance:

    mkdir $HOME/test

    To Create a Blank File do:

    touch [/path]/myFile

    For Instance:

    touch $HOME/test/test
  6. To Copy Directories and Files

    To Copy a Single File:

    cp [/path]/myFile1 [/path]/toTargetDirectory/myEventualNewFileName

    (After a ‘\’ to Press ‘Enter’ the Command is Not Executed but instead only a ‘Carriage Return’ Like in a Typewriter)
    To Copy Multiple Files:

    cp [/path]/myFile1 ... [/path]/myFileN \

    For Instance to Copy a Single File:

    cp $HOME/test/test $HOME/test/hello 

    To Copy a Single Directory:

    cp -r [/path]/myDirectory1 [/path]/toTargetDirectory/myEventualDirectoryName

    To Copy Multiple Directories:

    cp -r [/path]/myDirectory1 ... [/path]/myDirectoryN \

    Now for Instance to Copy a Single Directory do:

    cp -r $HOME/test $HOME/hello
  7. To Move Directories and Files

    Moving a Single File:

    mv [/path]/myFile1 [/path]/toTargetDirectory/myEventualNewFileName

    To Move Multiple Files:

    mv [/path]/myFile1 ... [/path]/myFileN \

    The Same Command is Valid Also for Directories!

    Now for Instance to Move a Single File do:

    mv $HOME/test/test $HOME/hello/hello
  8. To Delete Directories and Files

    To Delete a File do:

    rm [/path]/myFile

    For Instance:

    rm $HOME/test/test

    Removing a Directory do:

    rm -rf [/path]/myDirectory

    For Instance:

    rm -rf $HOME/test
  9. Last How-to Get the Admin Super-Powers

    To Login as SuperUser:

    sudo su

    To Logout from SuperUser:


    (To Protect Your System from the possible Damages of an Hazardous ‘Crazy’ Command Execution the Logout ‘Should’ be Executed Every Time a Conscious and Meaningful Series of Commands has been Achieved… )
    To Execute a Command as SuperUser:

    sudo myCommand
  10. How-to Set Permissions on Mac File System:

    Mac Permissions Quick-Start
  11. Here is achieved the ‘Quick&Dirty’ Initiation to the Mac Command Line Sphere 🙂
    I’ll be Back Very Soon to Show the Basics of the Apt Software Packages and Repository Administration Commands!