Step-by-step – Brew Mac Catalina Installation

Getting Started

  1. Test Homebrew Installation

    which brew
  2. Again to Update Homebrew

    brew update
  3. Finally, for Fixing Permissions

    sudo chown -R $(whoami) /Users/admin/Library/Logs/Homebrew
    sudo chown -R $(whoami) /Users/admin/Library/Caches/Homebrew
  4. Searching for HomeBrew Packages

    cd ~/homebrew
    brew search [packageName]

    Find the List of Available and Installable Packages for HomeBrew:

    HomeBrew Packages List
  5. Finally, to Install Brew Packages

    brew install [packageName]

    All the New Package Installed by Homebrew will be Available because they are Installed Into the Same Location as the brew one!
