How-to QuickStart with Python 3 on Mac 10.12 Sierra

Python 3 QuickStart Mac 10.12 Sierra

The Mac Tutorial Shows You Step-by-Step How-to Install and Getting-Started with Python 3.x on Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra.

Python 3 brings many, many improvements over Python 2 and above all it Make Easier to Develop High Quality Software.

A List of the Most relevants Python 3 New Features:

  • Division
  • Recursive glob
  • Matrix multiplication operator
  • Clearing lists
  • Advanced print function
  • Advanced unpacking
  • Function annotations
  • Sensible comparison
  • String interpolation
  • Unicode strings
  • Unicode variable names
  • Most useful exceptions
How-to QuickStart with Python 3 on Mac 10.12 Sierra - Featured
  1. Open a Shell Terminal emulator window
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

    How-to QuickStart with Python 3 on Mac 10.12 Sierra - Open Terminal
  2. How-to Install MacPorts on Mac OS X:

    MacPorts QuickStart on Mac
  3. Installing Python 3
    You’ll have to pick a Python 3.x release…
    To Update the MacPorts:

    sudo port selfupdate

    To Search a Python 3.x candidate:

    port search python3

    For instance to Install some Python 3.x flavors do:

    sudo port install python35 python36 python3_select

    Confirm for Installation and wait until the Stuff is Downloaded and Set Up…

  4. Switching to a Python 3.x flavor

    sudo port select --set python3 python36
  5. Launching Python 3 Interpreter
