How-to Install GlassFish for Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra Easy Guide

GlassFish QuickStart for Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra

The Mac Tutorial Shows You Step-by-Step How-to Install and Getting-Started with GlassFish 4.X Server and Quick-Start with Java EE 7 on Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra.

The Oracle GlassFish 4 Setup on Mac OS X Require an Oracle JDK 7+ Installation (Best with a JDK 8.)

GlassFish App Server Benefits:

  • Java EE reference implementation: GlassFish is the Java EE reference implementation.
  • Supports the latest versions of the Java EE specification: GlassFish is the only Java EE application server in the market that supports the complete Java EE 7 specification.
  • Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra GlassFish 4 Quick-Start - Featured
    1. Open a Command Line Terminal Window
      (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

      Getting-Started with GlassFish 4 on Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra - Open Terminal
    2. Download Glassfish 4 JEE 7 App Server for Mac OS X:

      Get GlassFish 4+ Application Server

      Get the “Web Profile” or the “Full” Bundle.

    3. To Extract Double-Click on Zip Archive
      Or from Command Line:

      cd $HOME/Downloads
      unzip glassfish*.zip
    4. Relocating GlassFish 4 App Server

      System Wide Installation:

      sudo chown -R root:wheel glassfish4
      sudo mv glassfish4 /opt/

      Local Installation:

      mv glassfish4 $HOME

      Modify Correspondently also the Server Start/Stop Command…

    5. How-to Install Required Oracle JDK 7+ on MacOS X:

      Install Oracle JDK 7+ for Mac
    6. Starting GlassFish 4 Default Domain

      sudo /opt/glassfish4/bin/asadmin start-domain
    7. Access GlassFish 4 Admin Console on Browser


      Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra GlassFish 4 Server Administration - Console UI

    8. Stopping GlassFish 4 Default Domain

      sudo /opt/glassfish4/bin/asadmin stop-domain