How-to Install & Getting-Started with QT5 SDK on MacOS 10.12 Sierra Easy Guide

Install QT5 SDK on Mac 10.12 Sierra

The Guide Shows You Step-by-Step How-to Download, Install and Getting-Started with the QT5 SDK Open-Source Development Environment for Mac Sierra 10.12 OS X.

The Qt5 SDK includes the tools you need to build desktop, embedded and mobile applications with Qt from a single install.
This is also the Recommended way to getting started with Qt5 Development.
The latest SDK has a self updater feature that will keep you up to date as new versions are made available.

To the Qt5 SDK Installation Mac Sierra Bottom there is a Link to Quick Getting-Started with QT5 SDK Development on Mac.

Install QT5 SDK on Mac 10.12 Sierra - Featured
  1. Download QT5 SDK Installer for Linux:

    QT5 SDK 32/64bit .run

  2. Double-Click on Downloaded .dmg to Mount it

  3. Then Double-Click on the QT5 SDK Installer
    If You Got the Online Installler first Select the Components to be Downloaded & Installed…

    Install QT5 SDK on Mac Sierra 10.12 - 0

    Solve App can’t be Opened because Unidentified Developer:

    Open Unsigned Mac App
  4. Follow the QT5 Wizard Installer
    Install QT5 SDK on Mac Sierra 10.12 - 1
    Install QT5 SDK on Mac Sierra 10.12 - Custom Install
    Install QT5 SDK on Fedora 19/20 Lxde - Select All Feautures
    Install QT5 SDK on Mac Sierra 10.12 - 2
    Install QT5 SDK on Mac Sierra 10.12 - 3
    Install QT5 SDK on Mac Sierra 10.12 - 4
    Install QT5 SDK on Mac Sierra 10.12 - 5
  5. QT Development Quick-Start Guide:

    QT Jump Start Guide

Install QT5 SDK on Mac Sierra 10.12 - Start QT Creator